Effects Of Winter | Dr. Green Lawn Care Services

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Effects Of Winter

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Posted on: Dec 07, 2022Luis M Pérez

Effects of Winter On Your Lawn In Illinois & Indiana

Now that it is wintertime, you probably aren’t thinking about your lawn, and you really shouldn’t be; however, there are some things to know and understand about the effects of winter on your lawn so that you can be better informed about the spring. In the winter, three areas of your lawn are under considerable pressure from excess snow, salt, and other debris. 

Effects of Winter on Parkways and Driveways

When the city plows snow and salts the road, this has a considerable impact on your parkway because all the snow, salt, and debris from the roads ends up on your parkway, and when the snow melts in the spring, it leaches into your soil. When there is too much salt and other pollutants, it can be toxic to plants, including turf.

As a homeowner, there is not much you can do about winter damage other than knowing how to deal with it in the spring. The impact of salt and snow is much like the impact of insects and disease. All these elements put pressure on your lawn in the same way by weakening it. The only way to combat this is to maximize the health of your lawn by cutting, watering, fertilizing, and seeding properly. Keeping your lawn’s overall health up will allow it to withstand these threats. This is also why your lawn will sometimes appear thinner and less green along the parkways and side of driveways. In the winter, you deal with snow and salt; in the summer, you deal with excessive heat generated by the pavement. These areas are basically under siege all year round. 

Effects of Winter In Between Two Neighboring Houses

If you live close to your neighbor, you probably notice that the grass between the houses is thinner, weaker, less green, and can have more weeds. This is because the area between the two homes receives less sun in the summer, pools more water in the spring, and has higher snow piles in the winter. Much like parkways and driveways, the area between two homes is under more pressure all year round. As a homeowner, you can only maximize your good cultural practices of proper cutting, watering, fertilizing, and seeding techniques. However, in this particular area, you should also consider giving it a stiff raking every spring, adding some topsoil to level out any dips, and even seeding with some extra shade seed. 

Any Questions?

If you have questions about the effects of winter or anything else, please get in touch with us at 1-800-465-2934 or email me at luisp@doctorgreen.com.