Prevent Winter Weeds | Dr. Green Lawn Care Services

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Prevent Winter Weeds

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Posted on: Nov 10, 2021Luis M Pérez

Preparing Your Lawn In the Fall For Fewer Weeds In The Spring

You may have heard the expression that a healthy spring lawn starts in the fall. This is because there are things, we can do every fall to make sure our lawns bounce back thicker and healthier in the spring. This article “Prevent Winter Weeds” will explore ways to help reduce the number of weeds in your lawn by taking the proper steps in the fall. 

Thicken Up Bare Spots

A thick, healthy lawn will choke out weeds naturally. So, you want to take steps to thicken your lawn in the fall. Therefore, fall aeration and overseeding are always recommended. When you are seeding your lawn, pay special attention to thin and bare areas. These areas are more likely to become infested with weeds in the spring.

Fertilize In The Fall

Fall fertilizer is important because it will help thicken up the grass and prevent the infestation of weeds. In addition to this, fall fertilizer will help protect your lawn from winter damage. Grey snow mold, pink snow mold, and brown patches are some examples.

Rake Your Leaves

Raking up leaves and debris is a very important aspect of spring weed control. This is because soggy dead leaves and debris are a breeding ground for fungus and fungus leads to weak, thin, and dead spots in the lawn. These weak, thin, and dead spots are where the weeds will grow in the springtime.

fall weed control

Winter Weed Control In Warmer Climates

If you live in Texas or some other southern states, winter can be a great time to eliminate very stubborn weeds. For example, in Texas, winter is a good time to treat Dallisgrass. You need to be careful when doing this, and you also need to refer to the product label to make sure the product controls what you are attempting to treat, but winter is good for these types of treatments if the lawn is dormant. When the lawn is dormant, it may be able to tolerate a more aggressive treatment such as round up. These types of aggressive winter treatments are best left to professionals.

In addition to winter weed control, you should also consider weed suppressants or growth inhibitors in the winter. These products do not kill winter weeds, but they stop them from growing by blocking their photosynthesis. This is a great way to temper infestations of poa anna, rescue grass, and winter rye.

Have Questions Or Want To Learn More?

For more information on preventing winter weeds, please get in touch with our Lawn Care Expert, Luis Perez, via email at

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