Summer Lawn Watering | Dr. Green Lawn Care Services

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Summer Lawn Watering

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Posted on: Jun 09, 2022Luis M Pérez

Summer Lawn Watering

It might seem like you can go out and water your grass whenever you want, but watering needs to be done at specific times. Summer Lawn watering is no different; we suggest watering your grass in the morning (before 9 a.m.), as it is the best time for your lawn to absorb the water most effectively. In addition, morning watering will allow your grass roots to absorb the nutrients in the water before it evaporates.

Summer Watering Tips

  • Water your lawn in the morning, as this will ensure your lawn gets the nutrients it needs to be healthy, lush, and green.
  • If you live in Texas, water in short cycles, allowing your grass to absorb the water. Longer watering cycles may lead to runoff and puddling.
  • If you live in Illinois or Indiana, we recommend deep watering for at least 45 minutes to 1 hour each so that the water gets deep enough to reach the bottom of the roots.
  • Ensure your watering system is effective and inspect it often, as leaking sprinklers or water-filled valve boxes lead to poor watering practices.
  • Do not overwater your lawn. Instead, we suggest checking with your local water authority or lawn care expert for their recommendations on irrigation schedules. They will be able to provide you with some recommended watering cycles based on weather conditions and forecasts.

When Not To Water

We strongly recommend avoiding watering your grass at night (after 5 p.m.) as your grass will not have enough time to absorb the water before nightfall. A wet lawn at night, although it might seem like a smart idea, will make your lawn susceptible to diseases. Think of your lawn as hair; you would not want your kids to run around at night with wet hair because it can make them sick; your lawn is the same—rule of thumb, the later you water, the greater chance of disease.

Want To Learn More? Do You Have Any Questions?

For more information on summer lawn watering, please contact our Lawn Care Expert, Luis Perez, via email at