DIY Lawn and Garden Must Have Supplies | Dr. Green Services

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DIY Lawn and Garden Supply Must Have’s

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Posted on: Feb 06, 2019Raunie

A good DIY enthusiast tends to build up a wide variety of tools as they move from project to project. Your lawn and garden is no exception! Please read through to find the DIY essentials for keeping your outside the best it can be.

1. Garden Hose

There are many different decisions to make prior to purchasing your hoses. Length and ease in putting away is important as well as strength and whether a reel will be used. For extensive gardens, a drip hose would help ease the strain of constantly lugging the hose about the yard.

2. Fertilizer

All fertilizer bags have numbers on the front these numbers indicate the amount of potash, nitrogen, and phosphorus. The numbers associated with these ingredients indicate the strength and longevity of the ingredient.  Different numbers are necessary at different times of the year.  In the spring the nitrogen component.  Your local hardware store would be a good place to receive accurate advise.

The most important so the lawn’s roots are fed after the long winter. The grass begins to green up with a high nitrogen component.  The potash is the first number, the nitrogen the second and the phosphorus the third.  These formulations are relative to the area you are in so consulting a professional would be recommended.  

3. Hand held tools for smaller projects.

Handheld tools are often overlooked when thinking of what to invest in your outdoor space. A good small spade, or a sharp set of pruning shears, could make all the difference between a relaxing afternoon in the garden and a frustrating battle between you and the hedges. To ensure all potted plants and small gardens are receiving the attention they require to grow well, be prepared and have some tools handy.  All small spade, rake small weed remover.

4. Lawn Mower

This is a personal preference but I prefer a gas mower so long cords are not required.  If I know myself well enough, the chance of running over an electrical cord is 100% possible so it’s best to completely avoid it altogether. Battery powered mowers have really come a long way over the years, so for smaller yards, check out these for a more eco-friendly option. Be sure to check reviews before you purchase. It is always advisable to purchase mowers that have removable blades so they can be sharpened.  Be sure you are able to bag clippings if necessary to avoid raking the lawn after several cuttings. Local garden or hardware stores will be of great assistance.  Always remember, sales are everywhere so check your pricing at multiple stores once you’ve chosen the mower that’s right for you!

5. Tool to sharpen blades.

Some mowers have detachable blades for sharpening. Whether it be your mower, hedge trimmers or pruning shears keeping a sharp blade lowers the risk of unnecessary stress and damage to your plants and grass.
There are 3 main ways to sharpen a variety of blades, a sharpening stone, a hand-file or, for the real DIY pro, an angle grinder. Safety is key when sharpening blades so please consult a professional and always make sure you wear the proper protective equipment. Your local hardware store can be of assistance in this matter.

6. Spark Plugs

Having extra spark plugs is a time saver. Often a lawn mower, snow blower or other tools require a new spark plug to start correctly. Avoid frustration and have spares available.

7. Trimmer for edging.

Edges of lawns are usually missed due to landscaping, fencing, play structures, and other items within the garden. So to avoid an uneven looking lawn, the use of a gas or electric trimmer is key so it can show its best self while looking well maintained and even along the edges. All the grass should be cut at the same level.  Edges of long grass is unattractive and easy to avoid. Twin for the trimmer is important.

8. Rakes   

There are many rakes available for purchase. Many rakes have different handle designs. The two rakes you will need is a flexible rake and a stiff rake.  Stiff rakes are excellent for areas in the yard that have rocks or pebbles within the grass. However, a flexible rake is best for raking up the lawn clippings throughout the season while avoiding pulling out healthy grassroots.

9. Bags for debris

It’s always good to have extra bags handy when collecting clippings, debris, and garbage. The best bags for the job are the environmentally friendly bags available at your local garden center, hardware store or even grocery store while in season. These giant school lunch bags are the best on the market so the waste collection process smooth and trouble-free. Furthermore, we know that it can be composted to be repurposed for another useful function of our world, who can argue with that!

10. Gloves 

Gardening gloves avoid blisters, dirty nails, cuts, splinters, and many other undesirable conditions. These items are inexpensive and should be available during the season. There are many different types of gloves from cotton the leather.  Depending on the need have both types on hand at a minimum size range.

11. Watering timer

Lawns need to be watered during the morning hours so that the sun evaporates the excess water. An in-ground sprinkler system can really help take the responsibility of waking up every other day and watering the lawn. However, a timer is an excellent cost-effective alternative.  It’s easy! Just set it at the beginning of the season and periodically check the settings periodically every few weeks. By setting the timer and letting the dial do the work you can spend more time snoozing or having breakfast with your loved ones.

12. Watering measurement tool

To ensure your lawn is receiving the correct amount of moisture have a tool handy to measure. I put my measurement tool in the main part of the yard so that rainfall is also measured. Be sure to remove prior to mowing. 

13. Ruler for grass length

There are rulers available to measure your grass length. The easiest method to track this is to be sure your mower blade is at the highest level available. Should you need to lower the blade in the late fall this will be easy to do.

14. Weed Control

Once the ground temperatures increase weeds will become evident. As weed seeds are airborne it is difficult to avoid their existence. Many weed control products are available to homeowners. Be sure you purchase a weed control and not a vegetation control.

15. Vegetation Control

Not all areas within a home lawn are suited for grass. These can be treated with a vegetation control to remove unwanted grass. An excellent vegetation control would be ROUND UP. Be sure to read the label and know what you are buying.

16. Insect control

There are many different insects within your lawn. The amount of any insect within the lawn will decide if damage is a concern. Some examples would be cutworm, chinch bugs, grubs, ants and many others. A professional at your local garden or hardware store can be of assistance to ensure you purchase the correct control product to be environmentally conscience.

17. Seed

Depending on the area you live in will decide what type of grass your lawn is made up with. There are many different types of grasses for different weather and natural conditions. Be sure you know the type of grass your There are many different grass types for heavy traffic as well as shade areas.  Know your lawn and how best to keep it thick and green.

18. Large garbage can

Having a large garbage can handy will avoid delay while maintaining the lawn. Once filled with non-organic debris it will be easy to leave curbside for pickup.

19. Brooms

A stiff broom will assist a homeowner to reduce clippings within areas of the property like patios, steps, walkways, and porches. Having a broom handy avoids wasting both time and attention.

20. Blower

A gas or electric blower is an excellent tool to reduce the need to rake or sweep larger properties. Once again there are many different blowers available.  Handheld and backpack type are a personal choice. Electric or gas are also personal choices. Your local garden or hardware store should provide many choices at various prices.