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Dr. Green and the Environment
Read MorePosted on: Sep 01, 2020Raunie
Dr. Green has been a responsible member of the community for over 30 years and we understand the importance of environmental stewardship. We are very proud to be members of the green industry because we get make homeowners happy while also improving the environment. There is a lot of consumer education about the value of having a healthy lawn as it relates to improving our quality of life and improving the value of our properties, but not many people realize the tremendous value healthy lawns bring to our schools, sports fields, and local communities.
- Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to use in photosynthesis. Some of this carbon is transferred to soil as plants die and decompose.
- Our home lawns are incredible at producing oxygen. A 25 square foot area will supply enough oxygen to support one person for a day and a 50′ x 50′ lawn will produce enough oxygen to meet the daily needs of a family of four.
- Lawns reduce our carbon footprint by sequestering more carbon than it takes to maintain them. The dense canopy and fibrous root system in a lawn sequesters carbon so well, that it outweighs the carbon used for maintaining the grass by as much as seven times.
- Grass removes about 6 tons of carbon dioxide per acre per year from the atmosphere.
- A university notes that lawns and sport turfs have a positive effect on the overall carbon footprint of a landscape. An average-sized home lawn in the Canada has the potential to sequester 20.3 to 163.4 kg C/lawn/year.
- Lawns cool the atmosphere: 8 lawns can cool the air as much as 70 tons of air conditioners.
- Home lawns absorb noise pollution and dust.
- Healthy lawns help absorb rainfall.
- Grass absorbs pollutants in run-off preventing it from getting into our water table.
- A healthy lawn provides a natural cushion that prevents injury (40% of school athletes ankle and foot injuries occurred due to artificial surfaces).
At Dr. Green, we’re the lawn care company that cares. Our lawn and garden services help to make a positive impact on the environment. From weed control to lawn aeration, we handle it all as a responsible member of your community. After all, when it comes to making your lawn beautiful, we’re the professionals! Want more information? Don’t hesitate to contact us today for a free quote!