Drought Conditions In Illinois and Texas | Dr. Green Lawn Care Services

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Drought Conditions In Illinois and Texas

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Posted on: Jun 07, 2023Luis M Pérez

Drought conditions can be challenging for maintaining lawns and landscaping in Illinois and Texas. With below-average rainfall and higher temperatures, grass and plants can quickly become stressed and struggle to thrive. However, several strategies can be employed to conserve water and sustain a healthy landscape during dry spells.

Water Efficiently

When watering lawns and landscaping in drought conditions, it is important to use water efficiently. Watering early in the day ensures that the soil retains moisture for the lawn and plants. Watering early also reduces water loss through evaporation during the hottest part of the day. An automatic irrigation system can be useful in monitoring and controlling water usage.

Proper Mulching And Plants

Mulching can help retain moisture in the soil while reducing water loss through evaporation. Applying a layer of organic matter around plants helps regulate soil temperature and prevents weed growth.

Choose Drought-Resistant Plants: Choosing plants that are well adapted to drought conditions can greatly reduce water needs. Drought-resistant plants have evolved to thrive in conditions with limited water and often have waxy leaves or deep root systems to conserve water.


Adjusting your mowing practices can help your lawn remain healthy during drought conditions. Mowing the lawn less frequently or at a higher height can conserve moisture and improve the health of the turf by encouraging deep root growth. Also, Keep your lawnmower blades sharp as this will also reduce stress to the lawn blades.

Drought Grasses and Water Harvesting

Implementing a rainwater harvesting system can harvest rainwater from gutters and downspouts for use in watering lawns and landscaping during periods of drought. Rainwater harvesting also helps to reduce flooding by reducing the amount of runoff.

Certain grasses, such as bermuda, and zoysia, are drought-tolerant and don’t need much water to retain their lush green appearance. These grasses survive well in hot, dry summers because they have developed deep roots that tap into groundwater.

Paving Stones, Mulch, Or Gravel

In places where there is a need for hard surfaces, such as patios, driveways, or walkways, consider using paving stones, mulch, or gravel instead of asphalt or concrete. These materials not only reduce water runoff, but they also don’t heat up as much as dark-colored surfaces.

In Summary

Caring for lawns and landscaping in drought conditions is challenging, but with a few adjustments, it is possible to sustain a healthy landscape without using excessive amounts of water. Adopting water-efficient practices, choosing drought-resistant plants, adjusting mowing practices, and using rainwater harvesting systems can greatly reduce water consumption while ensuring a healthy and vibrant landscape during prolonged drought periods.


If you have any questions about drought conditions, please get in touch with Luis Perez at 1-800-465-2934 or email me at luisp@doctorgreen.com. Doctor Green