Summer Lawn Watering Tips | Dr. Green Services

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Summer Lawn Watering Tips

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Posted on: Jul 28, 2023Raunie


Watering during a drought is the most critical time to keep your lawn healthy, green, and more resistant to weeds. Most times throughout the growing season we can let Mother Nature take care of that; however, during the months of June, July, and August the high humidity and environmental shifts limit the amount of rainfall during the time when the grass needs it most.  There are a number of negative effects that can result in a lack of watering. Keep reading to hear about tips to prevent any damage and maintain a thick, healthy lawn.

Early Morning Watering is Best

On average, lawns require about an inch of water per week during the summer to remain healthy and green. This translates to approximately one hour of watering twice per week. If the weather gets hot and dry, it is better to water your lawn when temperatures are cooler otherwise much of it will evaporate and defeat the purpose. Therefore, you should water your lawn in the early morning. This allows the moisture to be more easily absorbed by roots, as part of your lawn care regimen.

Watering Frequency

A common misconception is that when the weather turns hot and dry that watering every day for short bursts is helpful for the grass. However, the best way to water is to mimic Mother Nature. We don’t live in the rain forest and it doesn’t rain every day, so it is actually counterproductive to the success of your lawn. A lot of plants tend to respond positively to long, deep waterings with less frequency because it allows for the roots to have the time to search for the water as the soil dries around the roots. This, in turn, drives the roots deeper into the soil creating a stronger base for your grass to grow.

Shade Your Grassroots

You’d be surprised how much long grass can shade the crown of the root and keep them from bearing the extreme heat. During harsh summer conditions, make sure your grass stays long to do just that. Keep your mower blades to 3 inches to keep your roots from being too exposed to the sun’s hot rays.

Sharpen your Mower Blade

A sharp mower blade is important all year round but most especially during periods of high temperatures and high humidity. When your mower blade is dull, each cut causes more and more stress on the grass by effectively tearing the top portion of the blade instead of cutting it. This results in excessive exposure to the hot summer sun. This causes the grass to dry out faster and therefore you’ll end up spending a fortune on your water bill. This tip will not only help your lawn but help your wallet too!


Sometimes, you’ll face a usually hot and dry summer and your grass will be reeling from the extreme weather conditions. The hotter and drier the weather, the more water your grass will need, and the easier it is for your lawn to turn yellow, brown, and stressed. watering during a drought reduces stress on your grass and become less susceptible to weeds, disease, and insects.