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How to Transition to ‘Green’ Lawn Care: Sustainable lawn care is easy
Read MorePosted on: Feb 13, 2019Jordyn Rowntree
Green lawn care or sustainable lawn care is a lawn care choice that has really taken off in recent years. There are a variety of reasons for making your lawn sustainable, and if you’re thinking of transitioning over to a green lawn, then it doesn’t need to be difficult. In fact, given the right direction, it can be rather straightforward. Let us help you make the green transition as simple as possible!
Sustainable Watering
One of the least sustainable things we regularly do, often without thinking about it, is waste water. When switching to green lawn care be very mindful of how much you’re watering your lawn. If you’re using a hose, be sure to never let it needlessly run when it’s not being used, and be sure it’s entirely turned off when you’re done using it. Similarly, if you’re using sprinklers make sure they aren’t leaking and aren’t watering too much.
Remember, when watering your lawn, you only want it wet, not soaked. Unfortunately, many lawn owners make the mistake of overwatering, which is neither good for sustainability or for your lawn.
An additional factor to keep in mind in order to save the amount of water you use is timing. You’ll be able to reduce your water usage by watering your lawn in the early mornings by avoiding the sun and decreasing the amount of evaporation taking place.
You can go even one step further in your water saving than what’s been previously mentioned by investing in some rain barrels, which can be used to collect rainwater that you can in turn use to water your lawn.
Sustainable Planting
Choose the right plants when you’re planting. Green lawn care is more than just lawn maintenance, it’s also the right lawn foundation. In this case that means choosing plants that are native to the climate you live in to plant. The reason for this is that plants that are accustomed to the climate you live in are easier to take care of, thus requiring less maintenance work, like watering.
Something central to green lawn care is recycling whenever possible. Don’t throw away all the organic material in your yard or at your house, it can go back into your lawn. Whether it’s grass clippings and dead leaves or it’s fruit and vegetable scraps, they can all be used for compost. Put them in a compost bin or bag, and once they’ve sufficiently broken down, they can be used on your lawn to improve its soil quality.