Winter Lawn Care and your Dog | Dr. Green Lawn Care Services

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Winter Lawn Care and your Dog

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Posted on: Nov 30, 2023Raunie

You may not think that winter lawn care and your dog have anything to do with each other. However, there are a few tips that can help your dog and your lawn thrive throughout these frigid days!

Routinely Picking up Dog Waste

It’s not a fun task we know, but dog waste that builds up over time is not only uncomfortable for your dog but also can have a negative impact on the health of your lawn. In the winter-time especially it can be easy to forget after each snow fall but a weekly clean up can help keep your pet’s bathroom clean and healthy as well as avoid any unevenness that might result in the soil absorbing the excess organic waste.

Shovelling a Specific Area for Your Pup

This will help limit the wear and tear that your dog can cause to the dormant grass below. The less the grass is disturbed throughout the winter months, the healthier it will be once the growing season starts in the spring. Plus it makes it easier for them to move around and do their business.

Limit Salt or Ice Melt Usage

While it is important to keep our walkways and driveways safe, it is important to remember that any excess that is put down is most likely going to be piled on your lawn. Some salt and ice melt products are also harmful to dogs paws so we always recommend putting booties to protect your pooches paws when you’re outside.

Protecting your lawn over the winter-time is commonly overlooked but for pet owners, these 3 small things can go a long way to keeping both your dog, and your lawn happy.