Winter Lawn Maintenance Do's and Don'ts | Dr. Green Services

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Winter Lawn Maintenance Do’s and Don’ts

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Posted on: Feb 05, 2019Jordyn Rowntree

Here are a few essential steps that everyone should take as they prepare their lawn for the Winter and maintain it during the cold, snowy months. Here is a list of important Do’s and Don’ts for your winter lawn maintenance.

Do: Remove Debris

After trees lose their foliage, it’s important to remove the debris of Autumn leaves from your yard. In doing so, you can ensure they don’t obstruct grass from getting the air, water, and nutrients needed for nourishment.

Do: Remove Weeds and Moss

It’s easier to spot large swatches of moss accumulating on trees and elsewhere once all the leaves have fallen and been raked up in Autumn. Scan your yard for moss and remove it with a rake to control its growth. Remove weeds in whichever of the many ways available you choose to stop them from taking over in the Spring.

Do: Aerate and Fertilize

Using an aerating tool, perforate your lawn with small holes to allow air, water, and nutrients to make their way to grassroots. Keep soil from compacting and ensure your lawn gets the nourishment it needs this Winter to look thick and green in the Spring.

Do: Apply a Top Soil

Apply a top dressing to your lawn this Winter. By adding a top layer of soil to your grass (which is been diligently screened for weeds), you can positively impact the overall soil without damaging the turf below. This helps you manage issues such as uneven terrain, soil compaction, bare spots, and nutrient depletion.

Don’t: Walk On Your Lawn

Trampling your lawn with human activity or heavy equipment is a huge no-no during the Winter. As your grass lies dormant underneath the snow, it’s best to avoid yard traffic to avoid the risk of soil compaction. Soil compaction stops your lawn from breathing during the winter months.

Don’t: Leave Equipment Outside

If there’s one thing you don’t want to do: it’s leave your equipment outside. In the winter, your equipment can rust and ruin from lengthy exposure to snow and wind. If you want to save money by not having to invest in new equipment come springtime, it’s a good idea to store your lawnmower and other items in a shed or garage.

Don’t: Overfeed Your Lawn

Overfeeding your lawn with too much fertilizer can result in soil compaction that stops water from making its way to grassroots. You want to apply a thin, even top seed before Winter begins to ensure that grass grows in evenly in the Spring after snow melts.

Don’t: Scarify Your Lawn

Scarifying or dethatching your lawn in the Autumn can be beneficial, as it gets rids of moss, thatch, and other debris while leaving your grass thin and soil exposed, which is a positive for when you wish to apply a top seed. However, in the Winter, it’s best to leave the scarifying to the Spring, as this process will leave your lawn vulnerable to the elements.