10 Tips To Know For Winter Lawn Care In Canada | Dr. Green Services

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10 Things You Need to Know About Lawn Care During Canadian Winters

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Posted on: Feb 05, 2019Jordyn Rowntree

Canada is home to cold, snowy Winter months and it’s integral for residents to know everything there is to know about lawn care during this time. Here are 10 things every Canadian should know about how to care for your lawn during the Winter.

1. Remove Debris

Anything left on your lawn from previous months can result in soil degradation when Winter comes. You should clear any and all debris from your yard whether organic or synthetic to stop uneven terrain, soil compaction, bare spots, and nutrient depletion.

2. Rake Leaves

Once Autumn ends and all the trees have lost their leaves, it’s time to rake. Rake the entirety of your property to stop leaves from turning into thatch. Thatch can stop air, water and nutrients from making their way to grassroots and result in bare spots come Spring.

3. Remove Moss

After all of the leaves have been removed, you’ll be able to easily find moss that has accumulated in the shadier areas of your yard. Remove moss by raking it to control its spread as a quintessential part of winter lawn care.

4. Remove Weeds

Now that the debris, leaves, and moss are gone, all that’s left is to pull weeds. Make sure you pull weeds from root to stem so they don’t grow back. Weeds are tough to get rid of so this essential preparation for the Winter can help you control their spread.

5. Aerate Your Lawn

Now that your lawn is free of everything obstructing its nourishment and growth, it’s time to aerate. Using an aerating tool, perforate your grass with small holes that allow air, water, and nutrients to make their way to the roots over the Winter for a healthy, beautiful lawn in the spring.

6. Apply a Top Seed

Applying a thin layer of seed to the top of your grass will allow it to grow in evenly and reduce the risk of bare spots, soil compaction, and uneven terrain. A top seed layer will positively impact the overall quality of soil without damaging the turf below. With that said, be sure to screen that top dressing for weeds, as they, of course, will vitiate this process.

7. Don’t Overseed

You want to make sure you don’t overseed your lawn when applying that top seed because if done incorrectly it’ll defeat the entire point. Ensure that your top seed is evenly applied so that soil doesn’t become choked and compacted, disallowing nutrients to make their way to the roots.

8. Don’t Scarify

If you didn’t scarify in the Autumn, it’s best to wait until the Spring. The problem with scarifying or dethatching is that while it gets rid of thatch, moss and other debris, it does so by cutting through soil. Scarifying your lawn in the Winter results in thin grass and exposed soil, which are vulnerable to the elements.

9. Put Equipment Inside

The last thing you want to do when the snow thaws is to buy new lawn equipment. Make sure all your equipment is safely stowed away in a shed or garage so it doesn’t suffer through the elements.

10. Reduce Traffic

Finally, keep traffic on your lawn to a minimum during the Winter. Don’t obstruct your grass from receiving the air, water and nutrients it needs to thrive as it lies dormant under the snow. Another thing to be mindful of is gravel and soil build up along driveways – gravel often being used to prevent slippery roads – as this will become a problem for grass grossing. These steps will help ensure your lawn grows in beautifully next Spring!