Beautiful Lawns: Get the Best Lawn on Your Block | Dr. Green Services

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How to Get the Best Looking Lawn on Your Block

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Posted on: Feb 07, 2019Jordyn Rowntree

Whether you’re a beginner looking for a starter guide or a veteran trying to improve their method, anyone can achieve the best looking lawn on the block. With the essential tools, knowledge, and skills, you can become the envy of your neighbours with a lush, green lawn. We’re here to help you cultivate strong and resilient grass for today and tomorrow.

Test the pH Levels of Your Lawn

Gather some soil samples and get them tested to find out the pH levels. Every lawn is different. There are tons of different grass seed and types of soil. It’s always a fantastic idea to get a sense of the alkalinity and acidity of your soil. If your lawn is too acidic, you can add lime or if it’s not acidic enough, you can add iron.

Make Sure to Aerate

It’s incredibly important to remember to aerate. Using an aerating tool, perforate small holes into your soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to make their way to grassroots. In doing so, you’re promoting the healthy growth of your lawn to look amazing.

Be Careful When it Comes to Weeds

It’s not fun fighting against weeds when they hurt your grass and seem impossible to get rid of. You should always remove weeds from the ground by pulling them root to stem. In addition to this, use a pre-emergent herbicide every six to eight weeks to stop the seeds of weeds from germinating without harming already established plants.

Take Care of Your Lawn Mower

A lawn mower in tip-top shape can make the difference between an ugly and gorgeous lawn. First off, tune up your lawn mower when it’s time to start mowing. A major part of this is ensuring your mower blades are sharp and your cutting height is set correctly. In the Spring, set your cutting height to 2.5 to 3 inches and in the summer, set it to 1.5 to 2 inches.

Water Your Grass Deeply

It’s quality over quantity when it comes to watering your grass. During the summer, water your grass slowly and deeply with 1” of water every three to four days. Apply the same amount once a week during other months.

Dethatch Throughout the Year

Thatch is a layer of organic material that hasn’t fully deteriorated or decomposed and instead, rests on top of your grass causing soil compaction. Soil compaction stops your grass from receiving vital nutrients. Ensure you rake regularly to control thatch and encourage your lawn to flourish.